Friday, October 1, 2010

Where can I "cut corners"?????

Confession time....we are spending more than we make!  Can any of you relate?  It's nothing new, actually.  We tend to go in cycles in my house...budget, no budget, budget, no budget....

Well, we have fallen off the budget bandwagon!

I am on a mission today....where can we cut corners?  My husband and I have to take a long hard look at where we can save money.  Truthfully, we are not big spenders.  It's the little things that get away from us, I believe.  We have 3 growing boys to know the story!

I have some things (mainly books) that I need to list on e-bay, and some other things I might be able to sell on Craigslist.  Those however, are only temporary "band-aids".  We need to fix the gaping wound that they are trying to cover....we need to cinch our belts another notch and get this thing called a budget going again, and stick to it!!!!

So, today I am fixing beans.....


It is one of my ways to help a little with my grocery budget.  I prepared dried beans awhile ago, following the step by step instructions that Erin has at $5 Dollar Dinners.  They then went into the freezer.  It was relatively easy to do and I figure it costs me pennies to make a "can-size" portion of beans (that I can pay almost a dollar for at the store.)  And...those saved pennies add up!  :)

 Another way I  cut costs, is to fix homemade versions of some of our snacks.  My boys come home from school and are ravenous...I need to stop buying granola bars and fruit bars and start making my own.  Eventually, I hope they will prefer mine to the store bought!  This recipe for Healthy Homemade Granola Bars
will have to be made this weekend for sure!  (The Designer Whey protein can be very expensive...the last 2 containers I was able to get for free by turning in Swagbucks for Amazon gift cards.  Find out more about Swagbucks here, if you would like.)

Okay, those are 2 steps in the right direction.

Now, your turn...what can you do today to "cut corners"?

This post is linked to Frugal Friday at Mrs. Moneysaver, and Frugal Fridays at Life As Mom.

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2 comments make me happy:

  1. For me it comes down to not going to stores unless absolutely necessary. And NEVER shopping with my children. I agree, it seems to be the small things that eat away at our budget. Can't wait to read back through your blog.

  2. We are cutting corners also this month to get back on track! Good Luck!


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