I watch (short) videos, answer a few questions, and I watch as the cash accumulates in my account! I also am earning Box Tops for our homeschool co-op while I do it too!
If you are interested, click the picture above, and sign in with your Facebook account. If you have a smartphone, you can earn extra cash when you check in at Walmart.
You have two choices for using the money you make:
1. Redeem for music downloads or
2. Sign up for a Jingit Visa debit card (this is NOT a credit card), and your money is placed on it to use anywhere a Visa debit card is accepted. (Once you have accumulated $2.00 in your Jingit account, you can apply for the debit card, and the $2.00 fee will be taken out of it...no money out of your pocket!
Anyone else loving Jingit?? I would love to know! Pin It
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