the day my dishwasher died....
I loved my dishwasher. It was such a faithful worker. It wasn't perfect, but I relied on that dishwasher for over 13 years.
Not only was it a hard worker, but it helped my kitchen look less cluttered. I could hide my dirty dishes quickly, when company was coming can't hide them when you have to wash them in the sink!
But, earlier this week, it started giving out....strange noises, that were just "not normal" starting coming from it. It was warning me, I guess, but it gave me one last load of clean dishes.
I tried it again the next day, hoping that maybe it somehow "fixed itself". It started the cycle, and lasted for 15 minutes, maybe. Then it got s-l-o-w-e-r
and s--l--o--w--e--r....and quit.
I sent my husband a text message, as he was at a basketball game with my older 2 boys. "the dishwasher died" response.
I sent my middle boy a text message, "are u sitting by dad?"...the reply, "yes"..."tell him the dishwasher died"...."he knows"...I guess my darling husband wasn't as sad as I was....I guess it's because I'm the one that washes the most dishes around here!
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, depending on how I look at it, we are not and will not be racing out to purchase a new dishwasher. A dishwasher is not a "need", and only a "want". We don't have disposable income, at this point in time. But, that's okay as I have already found some positives to this sad husband and I spend a little more time together in the evening, washing and drying dishes. We make a great team! :) Last night, he even offered to wash them for me...
Don't get me wrong. I'm still annoyed that my dishwasher is dead. (I never said I was perfect!)
This is just the "new normal" that I will have to get used to...
...and there's really no reason I can't still use my broken dishwasher to hide my dirty dishes, right?.....
I'm linking to Frugal Friday, where you can find some great ideas.
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Oh no! I'd die w/o my dishwasher. Seriously...I would rather scrub a toilet than wash a dish. I hope your situation gets cleared up soon! And too funny about still using it to hide them!