Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Frugal Homemade Hand Sanitizer

After reading several different recipes to make your own hand sanitizer, I came up with my own version.  I like the results better than the first recipe I tried, which used only aloe vera gel and alcohol.  I think the glycerin is an added benefit because it softens your hands too.

Here is what I did:
Homemade Hand Sanitizer
3 T. glycerin
3 T. aloe vera gel
10 T. rubbing alcohol
Mix ingredients in an 8 ounce bottle (I reused an old hand sanitizer bottle).  I put the cover on and shook the bottle to mix the ingredients. 
This is a fun recipe to make with your kids and this is so easy to do! 

You can play around with the amounts, but just know your alcohol content must be at least 60%. Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

3 comments make me happy:

  1. This is great! We go through so much handsanitizer in the winter and it can become costly! I'm trying this for sure! Thanks so much!

  2. How crafty! Maybe this is a stupid question, but where do you get the glycerin?

  3. You can usually find glycerin at any pharmacy. I bought mine at CVS, and I know Walmart carries it too. It is a skin protectant, so it was in with makeup products at CVS.


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