Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Works for Me Wednesday...repurposed tea bags!

Believe me...I am NOT a tea connoisseur!

My morning beverage "pick me up", is a fabulous cup (more likely, two) of good strong coffee with half-n-half, of course!

However, I do enjoy a hot cup of tea also.

My favorite tea being, Good Earth Original Caffeine Free Tea!!!

I also like Peppermint Tea, some Chai Tea, Orange and Spice Teas, Lemon Tea, etc...

But here is my dilemma...

I sometimes feel adventurous and decide to branch out and try a new flavor of tea.  Woopee...I'm living on the edge!!!
I end up not liking it, so I try another flavor, and that too, might not be "a winner."

I end up with a pile of tea bags like this:

At that point, I have a few choices:

1.  I can give the tea away (as long as it hasn't been sitting in my cupboard too long). 
2.  I could throw it away (I don't like that option...seems way too wasteful)!
3.  Re-purpose the tea by using it as a fragrance for a potpourri pot!  Actually what I have done, is simmer several tea bags on the stove.  If they still are new enough, and I suppose depending on the flavor of the tea, they make your kitchen smell wonderful!  :)

Now I don't have to feel guilty....

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