It seems that I am a person who is cavity-prone...I don't like it!
I do my best to keep my teeth clean. I have visited the dentist every 6 months for as long as I can remember, but these last 10 years or so, I have had so much demineralization going on in the back of my mouth, that I think "there has to be something more that I can do"!!!!
So, I googled "tooth demineralization and remineralization", and this is one of the links that appeared:
I am so intrigued by the idea that eating the correct foods, etc. could actually help reverse the demineralization that I think I might just buy this book!!!
I would love to have a discussion with any of you who have tried doing such a thing! Please comment below, if you have had any success with "curing your/your family tooth decay" with food!
Thanks in advance!
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