Thank you to my mom for telling me about this one!!! :)
When I was growing up, I always loved listening to Saturday morning childrens' programming on KTIS, our local Christian radio station. They had programs like Uncle Charlie, Sugar Creek Gang and more.
My mom told me the other day that she heard Uncle Charlie on the radio again. He talked about a website especially for kids to visit. I finally remembered to look at it last week. It is great! The main website is CBH Ministries. It has a lot to offer on it.
My 3rd grader listens to the daily devotional called "Keys for Kids" and the part that he really enjoys doing is the daily Bible lesson at Camp Be-On-Key at As he completes lessons (which includes looking up Bible verses), he unlocks more games to play!
We have been able to include this in our homeschool schedule...doing these lessons, and working on his Awana Bible verses are his Bible portion of school, for now anyway.
This is not a formal program, but it Works for Me!!!
To find what works for others, visit Works for Me Wednesdays at We Are That Family. Pin It
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