It's cold and flu season...time to consume lots of Vitamin C! Save on these items, and boost your immunity! ;)
**Large Cuties Seedless Clementines - $4.99, 5-lb. box
Save $3
While supplies last.
**Tropicana Premium Seedless Navel Oranges - 99¢ LB., Save 70¢/lb.
While supplies last.
**Florida Pink and White Grapefruit - $1.29 LB., Save 50¢/lb.
**Organic Seedless Navel Oranges - $1.99 LB., Save 50¢/lb.
**Tropicana Cara Cara Red Seedless Oranges - $1.99 LB., Save 50¢/lb.
**Tropicana Moro Blood Oranges - $1.99 LB., Save 50¢/lb
...and how about these deals?!
**Our Bakery Sandwich Breads - 2 FOR $5, 14-25 oz. – all varieties
Save up to $2.98 on 2
Wide Pan Bread
24 oz.
Sandwich Thins
8 count, $2.99
**Kashi Cereals - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE, 12-17.5 oz.
selected varieties
Save up to $4.69 on 2
**Better Oats Hot Cereals - 99¢, 4.9-7.55 oz.
**Post Shredded Wheat, Grape Nuts and Great Grains Cereals - 2 FOR $6, 14-24 oz.
**Chobani Yogurt - 10 FOR $10, 6 oz.
Save $4.90 on 10
**Old Home Cottage Cheese 24 oz - 2 FOR $6, 24 oz.
**Lean Cuisine Entrees 5.25-12 oz - 5 FOR $10, excludes market creations
**McCain Potatoes 19-26 oz - 2 FOR $5, 19-26 oz.
**Red Baron Pizza - 2 FOR $6, 12 inch
**Fresh Steelhead Salmon Fillets - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE, Purchase any amount
and receive an equal
or lesser amount free.
Save $15.99/lb.
**Gold’n Plump Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts - $8.99, 38-oz. family pack
Save $5
**Fresh Boneless Center Cut Pork Roasts and Chops - $3.99 LB., up to $3.30/lb.
**Plainville Farms 94% Lean Natural Ground Turkey - $3.99, 16 oz. – never, ever any antibiotics!
Save $1.50
**Lunds and Byery's Spring Water 24 Pack - $2.99, 24 pack
**Starkist Chunk Light Tuna 5 oz - 89¢, 5 oz.
**Creamette Pastas - 99¢, 12-16 oz.
selected varieties
**Purex Laundry Detergent 26-72oz - $4.49, 26 count, 60-72 oz.
**Keebler Chips Deluxe, Fudge Shoppe and Soft Batch Cookies - 2 FOR $5, 6.6-15 oz.
**Lunds and Byerly’s Granolas - $3.99, 12 oz.
Print this coupon for 99¢ Tostitos chips (w/ $10 purchase)
Print this coupon for 99¢ Tostitos chips (w/ $10 purchase)
Many more coupons here.
(First time printing coupons? Read here.) Happy saving with coupons!
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