We've had a nice break from our regular routine at our house, but (unfortunately) I guess it's time to get back to reality! LOL!
My two oldest were out the door bright and early...back to school already! :(
My youngest (whom I still homeschool) is still sleeping, and I have no plans of waking him up! :)
I thought I would pass along a couple of helpful links for the New Year:
FREE printable calendars (and much more) at Donna Young's site. I currently use these blank calendars in my financial notebook to keep track of bill paying.
Spark People is another FREE site to use for keeping track of losing weight, and exercise...there are recipes to use, calorie counters, and personalizing a plan for you. I found this very helpful when I wanted to lose 10 - 15 pounds a few years back.
...and with a new year (and new month) there are some great printable coupons to take advantage of:
Those are just a few that are available...click on any coupon above, and you can scroll through all available coupons! (First time printing coupons? Read here.) Happy saving with coupons! Pin It
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