Thursday, December 31, 2009

Free "ItsDeductible" service through TurboTax

Look at how cool this is.......It's Deductible.  This is a free service through TurboTax that will help you figure out how much your donated items are worth.  It helps calculate the value of the clothing, etc. that you donate to Good Will, Salvation Army, Disabled Vets, etc.  I never know what to claim each time I donate a bag or two, but now I can use this nifty FREE service.  I heard them talking about it on the radio this morning, so I thought I would check it out.  You might want to also.

Happy New Year!!!! Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Free Photo Books

I am very excited about this offer!!!!  Thanks to, I found out about a great offer.  HotPrints is offering one free photo book per customer, per month for a year.  (The offer is for U.S. and U.K. residents only).  I just signed up for my first free book.  I'm not sure how long this offer will last, so if you are interested you should check it out right away!  Happy book making! Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Frugal Coupons Anyone???

I don't know about you, but I get a sense of accomplishment when I remember to bring my coupons to the store with me!  I love it when the cashier scans them all in and I end up saving a few dollars off of my total purchase.  Maybe I'm a little neurotic, but it makes me feel like I am helping out our budget, in a small, and sometimes not so small way!  So....if you are like me, take a look at all the coupon links that I have here on my blog....the coupons are not just little 25 cents off coupons, but many of them are save $1.00 on an item.  That really adds up! 
Here are a few links....many of these will let you sign up for weekly e-mails.  Or click on the actual coupons on the top and side of my blog, and print right now. will also let you sign up for an e-mail alert when new coupons are available. 
Happy coupon clipping!  I'd love to hear if you use coupons too!  :)
Coupon Mom
Red Plum
Smart Source Coupons
Sunday Coupon Preview Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Frugal Easy Macaroni and Cheese

Actually, I'm not sure if this is frugal.....I do know that the ingredients are better for you than boxed macaroni and cheese, however.  I can pronounce them!!!  :)

My mother found this old recipe book that came from the gas company years ago.  She brought it over for me to look at....we laughed because the book was entitled "New Dimensions in Modern Living"....I'm not even sure what era it was from, maybe the 70's, but it sure wasn't "modern" anymore!  :)  The recipe that I discovered is very good and easy to make, so I thought I would share it with all of you....

Easy Macaroni and Cheese
3 tbsp. butter or margarine
2 1/2 cups uncooked macaroni
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 quart milk
Melt butter and pour into a 12 x 8 inch baking dish.  Add uncooked macaroni and stir until butter coats macaroni thoroughly.  Sprinkle salt, pepper and cheese over top.  Pour milk over all.

Bake uncovered in a 325* oven for 1 hour.  Serves 8.

 Yummy, cheesy goodness!

This was a hit with my family.  The best part for me was not having to cook the pasta first!  :) 

The less steps in cooking, the better for me!


This post is linked to
Ultimate Recipe Swap: Cheese

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Frugal Shopping after Christmas

Well, Christmas has come and always is kindof sad, isn't it?  All that planning and shopping and getting ready and now it's done for another year!  I hope that all of you have added many wonderful times to your Christmas memories.  We sure did!  My sister and her whole family are here for a week and I am thrilled!  I wish she still lived around the corner from me, but am so thankful that they were able to be here for Christmas.  We were blessed with beautiful snow, as was much of the northern part of the U.S.  this Christmas.  And thankfully, we were able to travel around safe and sound.

Now, comes the many of you start shopping for next year today???  I know that there are many people who do.  I just can't seem to get motivated to go out the day after Christmas to shop.  I would much rather stay home in my robe and enjoy family and a cup or two of coffee with cream!  LOL!!  :)  If there are still deals to be found in a week or so, then I am pleased, but I will wait for them!  :)  If any of you are like me, we now have the benefit of doing some shopping online.  I think I will let my fingers do the walking today.  You might want to check out some of my affiliate links and see what fabulous deals you might be able to get without leaving the comfort of home.  I would love to hear your success stories!!  :)
Happy Frugal Shopping!  :) Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Frugal Biscotti Recipe for Gift Giving!!

It's not too late!!!  This is a fabulous recipe that has become a favorite of mine for gift giving.  I discovered it in Family Fun magazine years ago.  It goes great with coffee or even a glass of milk.  :)  I love this recipe too, because it is a little healthier.  It uses canola oil, instead of butter.  I love to package mine in a cute little bag and give it to my family for a little homemade gift.  You could even package it in a Christmas mug and give it with a one pot package of your favorite coffee.  I hope you enjoy it!
Crispy Cookie Bites Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Frugal Christmas Shopping

Well, today was a first.  On the way home from church today, I had to make a stop at the automated stamp machine (in the post office lobby).  Since we were right across the street from Good Will, I told my boys that I needed to run in "quick" to check on a book for my niece.  She is collecting a certain author, and is wanting hard cover books for her collection.  Hardcover books are expensive!  Since I have had a lot of success in the past at buying nice books at Good Will, I thought I would take a chance.  Well, I was disappointed because I didn't find a book for my niece, but my boys hit the jackpot!!!!  Yippee!!!!  They found three 4-pack CD's of Adventures in Odyssey (a favorite from Focus on the Family) for $2.99 each!  These often retail around $25.00!!!  I agreed that I would buy them for their Christmas stockings, if they "could forget"!!!  My purchase was around $9.00 and I saved a ton!!   I have never purchased Christmas presents at Good Will before, but I am not ashamed to say that I have!  And I think this frugal lady might just have to do some more! 

Stay tuned, I intend to blog about other ways I have benefitted from Good Will Stores and ebay, in the future.

I would love to hear your frugal stories too!  :) Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Friday, December 18, 2009

Frugal, Easy Appetizer--Ham Rollups

We're going to a party tonight....and it's just for grownups!!!  :)  I don't know how long it's been since we've been to a party, just my husband and me!  Yay!  I am looking forward to it and thought I would share an easy, and frugal appetizer recipe with you.  I call them Ham Rollups, for lack of a more creative name!

Ham Rollups
*4 ounces cream cheese ($.65)
*3 flour tortillas ($.45)
*9 "mini munchers" pickles ($1.15)
*1/3 lb. ham ($1.50)
Spread the tortillas with a thin layer of cream cheese.

Place 2 slices of ham over cream cheese.

Place 3 pickles on ham.

Carefully roll up each tortilla.

Slice each rollup into half inch slices.  Fasten with toothpicks to hold tortilla together and prevent the pickle from escaping!!

Arrange on a plate and serve!!!

Makes approximately 30 appetizers.  Cost approx. $3.75.
I'm sure there are variations to this recipe.  Feel free to post a comment.  I would love to hear your ideas.
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Frugal Shopping at Byerlys/Lunds??? For my Twin Cities readers

Did you hear that right? Can I really shop frugally at Byerlys? Yes, if you stick to the great bargains that they have, you really can. I wanted to especially let you know that right now and through Dec. 24, you can place your order online and have FREE drive thru pickup service. They have some fabulous deals right now.....just to name a few favorites....Angel Soft toilet paper, Buy One, Get One Free (that works out to be 24 double rolls for $8.29)!!!!! Birds Eye frozen vegetables for 99 cents, Green Giant canned vegetables 5/$2.00. These prices are as good or better than SuperTarget, Cub, Rainbow, etc. AND you order online, pick up FREE at the drive thru. Here's a link...Byerlys/Lunds online

Happy Shopping!!!! Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to my mom!!!!

Today's post is in honor of my sweet mom!  She is turning 75 today!  Wow, it's hard to believe.  She is a very young 75, to say the least!  I am so thankful for her.  I never knew her mother, because she passed away before I was born.  How thankful I am, that my boys have gotten to know their Mormor (Swedish for mother's mother) so well!  We had a wonderful celebration yesterday.  Mom and Dad joined us for Sunday dinner.  We had a good old-fashioned Sunday dinner meal after church, just like my mom used to make for our family when I was growing up!  It was fabulous to come home from church and smell the roast cooking in the crockpot!  I love my crockpot!!!  :)  We had beef roast, make ahead mashed potatoes, peas, cooked carrots (from my garden!), rolls (the cute little ones that my mom makes), and for dessert we had brownie sundaes with homemade hot fudge sauce!  Wow!  We usually don't eat that well on a Sunday (or ever)!  It was wonderful to use Christmas plates and all the beautiful goblets, silverware, etc. that we got for our wedding, but hardly ever use!  I don't know about you, but I think I need to do this more often!  :)  My boys had a wonderful time and my 11 year old especially loves to help me serve the meal.  Sigh....what a wonderful day!  Thank you God, for families!  :) Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Frugal Frozen Rolls Recipe

I am so excited!!!!  It worked!  In my last post, I told you that I would be making Overnight Cinnamon Rolls for Christmas morning.  The main ingredient is frozen rolls (like Rhodes) that you buy.  I wondered if I could make my own dough, which I love to do in my bread machine, and cut that up in roll size portions.  Then I could freeze my own dough and use in my cinnamon rolls.  They are healthier (I know exactly what is in them) and they are cheaper to make.  Well, I just had to try.  I looked for advice on the internet and it seemed that many people do this!!!!  (I'm learning ALL the time!  :))  So, I decided to use my favorite bread recipe...Softest Ever Bread Machine Bread
This time, however, I used all white flour, instead of 1 c. of whole wheat....just because....;)
1 cup warm water
2 T. white sugar
2 tsp. yeast
1/4 cup canola oil
2 c. white flour (or 3 c. white, omit the whole wheat)
1 c. whole wheat flour
1 tsp. kosher salt

Place water, sugar and yeast in bread machine pan.  Let sit for 10 minutes.  Add the remaining ingredients.  Set machine to "dough" cycle.  After dough cycle is finished, knead a couple of times and cut into approximately 18 -20 roll size pieces.  Place these on a lightly greased cookie sheet in the freezer.  When they are hard, overnight, or after a few hours, place them in a freezer bag.  Ta da!!!  You have frozen rolls like you buy at the store.  When ready to use, let them rise in a greased pan and bake at 350 degrees for approx. 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Like I said, the frozen rolls worked.  How do I know???  We will be enjoying a "test run" of cinnamon rolls this morning.  I am smelling them right now, as I type!  ;) Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Overnight Cinnamon Rolls II

I just opened my e-mail from 
I know what we're having for Christmas morning!!!!  :) 
I often have made cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning, sometimes using just the little Pillsbury cinnamon rolls.  They're good, but just not like real cinnamon rolls! 

So....I am posting the link to this nummy recipe which uses frozen rolls.  It looks super easy!  Maybe you will want to try them too!  Enjoy!

Updated:  I make my own dough, shape into rolls, and freeze ahead of time!  Works out great!

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Homemade Laundry Soap

Now, you might think I am crazy, but I sometimes make my own laundry detergent!!!  I have made it several times now and 1.  Think it's kindof fun! and 2.  Know that it saves a TON of money!!!  Laundry detergent is expensive.  (If you choose not to make your own, at least know that you really don't have to use as much as the package tells you to use.  Remember, they are in the business of making $$$$, not really trying to help you!  LOL!  :)) 
Anyway, for those of you that would like to be a little daring....try one of these recipes.  The 3 main ingredients are Borax, Super Washing Soda, and Fels Naptha laundry bar soap.  These two recipes are identical in the ingredients used, they just use a couple of different methods and amounts.
 Duggar Family website or The Family Homestead
I used the Duggar recipe last night and cut it in half.  I made a 2.5 gallon bucket of soap.  I then will fill an empty juice container or old laundry soap container half full of soap and half full of water.  Shake it up and use!!!  Think of how CHEAP this will last a LONG time!!!  Yay!  :)

This is a project your children might like to help you do!!!

Happy soap making!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

Updated 1/22/10:  I think it is important to use a good laundry soap like FelsNaptha.   This soap is designed to pre-treat stains.  I remember my mother having a bar of it in the laundry room when I was growing up.  When used as part of this recipe, it works well. Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Spritz Cookies

After thinking I was all set for the bake sale that was happening at my oldest's choir concert on Saturday evening, I had an unexpected change of plans.....oh boy, not what I was hoping for.  I had made wonderful peanut butter fudge with my boys on Friday night.  Perfect, I thought, I will bring several plates of that for the bake sale!!!  Saturday afternoon rolls around, and after asking my 11 year old to reread the e-mail about the bake sale, he came into the bathroom, where I was fixing my hair.  "Mom, it says that due to some severe allergies in the choir members, we can't bring anything with nuts!!!"  Uggghhhh!!!  I had read it a few weeks ago and thought to myself, "I never add nuts to anything, that won't be a problem." quickly I forgot.  So, to my dismay, the wonderful peanut butter fudge wasn't going to work, much to the delight of my boys.  :)  So, plan B came out.  That is why I decided to make these delicious Spritz cookies.  I love spritz cookies and this recipe is from a dear little old lady from my childhood.  Her name was Annie and she was a short little roly-poly lady who spoke with her wonderful Swedish accent.  She was just a joy and a wonderful cook.  I hope you enjoy her recipe:
Spritz Cookies
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup butter
1 egg
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. almond extract
Cream together sugar and butter.  Add in egg.  Mix well.  Add in remaining ingredients.  Use a cookie press (mine is Pampered Chef), or roll in small balls and press with cookie stamp.  Bake in a 375 oven for 8 - 10 minutes.  I usually bake for 10 minutes...(you can add green food coloring if making Christmas trees, or decorate any way you like.)

This post is linked to Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Academic Superstore

Thanks to my friend, Julie, for this one!  She just told me that she got a HUGE discount on Microsoft Office 2007 (66% off), because she homeschools.  Yes, homeschoolers, and even students in public and private schools, qualify for HUGE discounts at Academic Superstore.  Check it out if you are in the market for software, books, etc.

Thanks again, Julie!  :) Pin It Print Friendly and PDF

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ahh!!!!! Fresh Baked Bread.....

If you are like me, you LOVE the smell and taste of freshly baked bread (with real butter on it, of course! LOL!!)  Here's a recipe that I have really enjoyed.  The original recipe was found here: but I have "tweaked" it a bit to make it a little healthier....hope you enjoy it as much as we do!  :)

1 cup warm water
2 T. white sugar
2 tsp. yeast
1/4 cup canola oil
2 c. white flour
1 c. whole wheat flour
1 tsp. kosher salt

Place water, sugar and yeast in bread machine pan.  Let sit for 10 minutes.  Add the remaining ingredients.  Set machine to "dough" cycle.  After dough cycle is finished, knead a couple of times and shape into loaf.  Place dough in a loaf pan.  Let rise until double in size.  Bake in a  350* oven for 25 - 30 minutes.
(You can certainly do the whole cycle in your bread machine....I just like to bake mine in my looks more like a loaf of bread!)  Enjoy!  :) Pin It Print Friendly and PDF
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